So I find myself thinking all week about what to write on my blog. Hoping that something exciting will happen so I could have this awesome story to write about. But, being home alone all day, not a lot happens. Sad.
So, I've come up with an idea. I will have a theme day. Once a week (or more, it I enjoy doing this) I have a themed blog. A general theme with changing details. Does that make sense? I did a little brain-storming, trying to think of something clever to do. I came up with Tuesday's Top 5. Each week is a different list of various top 5 things.
If you like this idea, feel free to steal it. Also, I have a list of 5 things to write about in the future, but I can foresee myself running out of ideas, so you could give me your ideas.
Today's is Top 5 pet peeves.
1.) It absolutely drives me nuts when people are loud when they eat. Moaning, talking with their mouth full, smacking their mouth while they're chewing, biting their utensil (it's not a pretty sound, please don't do it), etc. I can hardly be in the same room when I hear people doing said list. I have been known to just get up and walk away because I'm afraid I will yell and possibly strangle the person doing them.
2.)When people use the wrong past tense. I'm not a grammar nazi. But when I hear "I seen you yesterday!" or "I drawed this for you." or "I swimmed in the lake." Or when they try so hard to use the right word, but add a letter, such as "I sawl you yesterday." Really? Did you go to kindergarten? Didn't you learn how to talk? And it happens all over! You would think that only in the South would you hear such a thing, but no. I've heard it while in MN, I've heard it in Utah, Indiana. It's everywhere.
3.) Negativity. Now I understand the need to vent. I understand having a bad day. But when I see you are having a good time, laughing, smiling, whatever, and I ask "How's it going?" and the response is something like "Eh, it's ok, but I wish it wasn't so hot." or "Ok, but I wanted something different to eat" or "good, but I wanted to do something else" WHATEVER! You were just enjoying yourself. Do you need the pity party around you all the time? Is it to hard to admit you are enjoying yourself. But not only during activities, I see it all the time on facebook. When every status you have is negative, or complaining, or whining, you have a negative problem. Be happy. Smile. Admit to liking something. (my negative post about negativity...... convenient eh?)
4.)People getting in your personal space just to talk. Do our noses really have to be touching? I don't mind if it's a close friend and we're just goofing off, but I had better know you pretty darn well for you to get all up in my purple circle to talk. If I can smell your breath, and count your pores, we're too close.
5.)When people talk during a movie. I don't mind a question about the movie here or there. It becomes a problem when you are constantly asking what is going on, or why they did what they did, or my favorite: when someone just comes on screen an no one knows anything about that person and someone asks "Who is that? What are they doing?" You know just as much as we do. Watch the movie, and you'll find out. Or of course when people just have their own conversation during the movie. If it's a movie I've seen a 100 times, I don't mind if people talk, but if it's a new movie to me, and everyone wants to watch the movie and two people decide to talk about the drama in their lives to each other.......leave the room, or wait.
So there you have it. What are your top 5 pet peeves? If you want to join in on the list, next week will be top 5 habits. Stay tuned, and remember, God loves you!
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