Whoops, I forgot to do Tuesday's top five. But, in my defense, yesterday was a very busy day. When I finally had time to relax, the power went out, which means, no internet.
So, I have started working out. I work out with a few friends from church (if I didn't have friends, it wouldn't get done). We are doing Turbo Fire. It's a love hate relationship. It is so hard. I hate doing it, but I love the way it's making me feel! Right now, my legs (that includes every muscle there is in the legs), arms (but mainly my rotator cuffs), back, and butt are soar. So very sore. I love having sore muscles, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Although, I must admit, I'm not enjoying my sore back. It's just painful. Anyway, I'm almost done with week 1. I'm very proud of myself.
I have discovered something that has saved me from going insane. Recently, our apartment has been home to a ton of fruit flies. I don't know how we got them. Cory and I are very careful about putting food away, right away. My best guess is, that one of my neighbors are not careful about putting food away. (Doesn't surprise me). Anyway, I found a way to kill those little beasts fast (although, more seem to come). All you need is apple cyder vinegar, dish soap, plastic wrap, and a rubber band.
You put apple cyder vinegar in cup (about 2-3 inches) then just drizzle a half tsp to a full tsp of dish soap. (this pulls them in and sinks them to the bottom so they die). DO NOT STIR, OR SHAKE TOGETHER, just let the soap sink to the bottom. You then, put plastic wrap (I double it) over the top of the cup, rubber band it closed, and then poke a small hole in it. I poked a pencil through to make my hole, and it worked just fine. You want them to easily find their way in, but they are so stupid, they can't find their way out.
I made my trap early evening, and by 3AM there were about 15-20 flies already dead.
Well, that takes me to the end of the entry. Stay tuned. Remember to love your neighbor!
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