Friday, February 24, 2012


What do dreams involving teeth mean? I never had dreams about teeth until I got my root canal. Now I have dreams that my teeth are chipping just by me eating an apple. Or my root canal tooth falls out or breaks in half. What does that mean? It drives me nuts! When I wake up I quickly, but carefully, run my tongue over every tooth just to make sure there is no damage. It's stressful. I have good dental hygiene, so I don't know why I'm having these dreams.

When dreams come up in conversations I am involved in, people talk about teeth dreams and in the past I have always counted myself to be lucky. My dreams involved other stressful situations, but never about teeth. Until now. What has changed in my life to make me dream these dreams? I got married, but I don't think that has anything to do with my teeth. I've moved a lot, but then again, what does that have to do with teeth? I am at a loss. Maybe if I find out why I am having these dreams, they will cease. Or at least that is what happened with my car dreams. Well, they haven't totally gone away, but I rarely have them now, and when I do, I can halfway wake up and change the dream I'm having.

Please help me. I love my teeth, and I don't like waking up thinking I have none. Thank you!

Stay tuned, and remember "God made you special, and He loves you very much" -veggie tales


  1. Typically, if you have dreams involving teeth (especially if you're teeth are 'falling out') in your dreams it means you are insecure about whatever you're doing.


    If you have a dream about your teeth falling out at work.. it would mean you were insecure about work in some way.

    Hope that helped a little? I hate those dreams!

  2. I never paid attention to what I am doing or where I am durring these dreams. Maybe now that I know that, I can stop having those dreams. Fix the problem and move on. haha
