Friday, February 10, 2012


3 days after moving into the Pryor ward, the bishop wanted to meet with us. We thought it was to ask us to speak in church, or just to get to know us. Boy, was I wrong. He started talking about all the callings people wanted us to have, and how he had "special" plans for us. Scary. Then, he started telling us about himself, and wanted to know things about us, not telling us our future callings.

I was starting to get nervous. What if I was called into Relief Society? Or Primary Pres.? Butterflies were starting to gather in my stomach, and I just wanted to know now, and not think about it. 30-45 minutes later I was called to into Young Women's as first councilor. I had just told Cory the day before that I did not want to be in YW. I found it intimidating. These girls are closer to my age, they are hyper, and I am quiet and passive. I was terrified, and still am.

I met the pres the next Tuesday. That eased some worries. We have to start by scratch with everything in YW because it was not being done correctly. New beginnings is on the 22, and we have to start all over. It is nice, however, just hitting the ground running. Getting busy right away made me forget my worries.

I met the girls the next day, and I am more excited. I'm still worried about them liking me. I want to be someone that they can trust, and I want them to feel like they can come to me with anything. I want to help them feel and know the Saviors love for them. I want to help them see their true potential, I want to help make their testimonies grow. I want to help them with their problems. I hope I can be the person this ward needs. Cory and I are the youngest adults in this ward, so there aren't many people for us to mingle with and relate to, but we aren't far from friends and family.

Anyway, that's my update. Once Cory gets set apart, I will let you all know his calling. We would appreciate prayers, we've never had these callings before, and at least I am nervous. I guess I cant speak for Cory. Thank you for reading, stay tuned, and remember, you are a child of God, and He loves you very much.

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