You know when you want to write a new post in your blog, but you have no idea what to write about? Nothing interesting has happened to you lately. Nothing funny. That is where I'm at right now. Just having this desire to write, but being stuck with a boring time in my life right now.
I planted a garden a couple weeks ago, and it is looking great! It's small this year, but next year, we will make it bigger. We have peas, cucumbers, squash, okra, a tomato plant, and green beans. The green beans are winning in the growing contest. I am so excited. We also have 2 blueberry bushes that currently have about 5 blueberries on them. This is their first year. Our back yard is full of black berries, which is both awesome and annoying. Our yard is mostly wild. It has never been tames, we are currently working on that. But as the blackberries start becoming ripe, we will have to march through other blackberries to get to more. All the thorns. Ouch.
Have you heard of Rocklahoma? I hadn't until a couple of months ago. It's this huge even that happens in Pryor (of all places) where about 30+ bands come and put on this huge 3 day concert. Well, everywhere around the nation, people come to this. Pryor is not big, at all. Luckily, we drove out of town this weekend to stay away from the madness. It took us about 30 minutes to get out of dinky little Pryor. We saw people from Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, Alaska (why you would drive from Alaska is beyond me), Kentucky, well you get the point. We also saw the Budweiser carriage and horses at Walmart, which makes this even bigger then I thought. Don't those guys come only to big events? There were miles and miles and miles of cars lining up to get into the camp area and I assume that is also where the concert it. So glad we left this weekend. Walmart was completely packed.
Well, I guess that's it. I hear little voices, they are probably awake now. Bring it on. As always, stay tuned, be good, eat your veggies, and remember you are loved.
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