Saturday, May 25, 2013

Random Rantings

You know when you want to write a new post in your blog, but you have no idea what to write about? Nothing interesting has happened to you lately. Nothing funny. That is where I'm at right now. Just having this desire to write, but being stuck with a boring time in my life right now.

I planted a garden a couple weeks ago, and it is looking great! It's small this year, but next year, we will make it bigger. We have peas, cucumbers, squash, okra, a tomato plant, and green beans. The green beans are winning in the growing contest. I am so excited. We also have 2 blueberry bushes that currently have about 5 blueberries on them. This is their first year. Our back yard is full of black berries, which is both awesome and annoying. Our yard is mostly wild. It has never been tames, we are currently working on that. But as the blackberries start becoming ripe, we will have to march through other blackberries to get to more. All the thorns. Ouch.

Have you heard of Rocklahoma? I hadn't until a couple of months ago. It's this huge even that happens in Pryor (of all places) where about 30+ bands come and put on this huge 3 day concert. Well, everywhere around the nation, people come to this. Pryor is not big, at all. Luckily, we drove out of town this weekend to stay away from the madness. It took us about 30 minutes to get out of dinky little Pryor. We saw people from Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, Alaska (why you would drive from Alaska is beyond me), Kentucky, well you get the point. We also saw the Budweiser carriage and horses at Walmart, which makes this even bigger then I thought. Don't those guys come only to big events? There were miles and miles and miles of cars lining up to get into the camp area and I assume that is also where the concert it. So glad we left this weekend. Walmart was completely packed.

Well, I guess that's it. I hear little voices, they are probably awake now. Bring it on. As always, stay tuned, be good, eat your veggies, and remember you are loved.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

New Home

Oh dear. My last post was in January? Dang it. Well, I do have a pretty good excuse. Well, I believe so. Around that time, Cory and I started seriously looking into houses. Our lease ended April 30, and we did not want to stay in that apartment any longer.

We found that house middle of March, and decided it was the one for us. Built in 1950, the house needed some work, but nothing too big, and the foundation was sound, and that was our main concern. While we were looking at it, the previous owners were living in it. So I couldn't be as nosey as I wanted to be. But they were living in it, so it couldn't be too bad, right? Yeah, well.... haha.

We closed on the house on April 12, She said they were going to clean up the house that afternoon so we wouldn't move into a messy house. Lies. After work, I rushed over to our new home, so excited to get moved in and get started on making it pretty. I walk in the house, and it looked nice, and I open the cabinets.  (If you have a weak stomach, you might not want to read on.) They were so nasty. Dead bugs, bug poop, a very thick layer of dust.... they were living here, right? They were so bad, we had to vacuum out most of the cabinets and drawers. We cleaned with bleach, primed and painted all cabinets and drawers. Making sure to leave no trace of the nastiness that was there before.

Now it's time for the Fridge.... How can I put into words how nasty this fridge was? Well, on the inside of the door, and on the walls, it looked like they melted caramel, and smeared it all over, and since it was cold, it took forever to get it off. There was a layer of molding food smeared and crumbled on the shelves. The shelves are glass, so you can see through them, well, you are supposed to, if they were clean. I cleaned the shelves only to find the metal thing holding the shelf in place was sandwiching food between it and the self. It was like this on ALL the selves. What looked like cherry pie filling without the cherries was splattered all over the fridge. All over. The drawers in the fridge had bits of rotting fruit in them. There were dead bugs in there. Not from being stuck in the fridge where it's cold, no, they were dead because they stepped into the smeared caramel, and splattered cherry pie filling. After taking all the shelves, drawers out and pretty much anything that can come out, I bleached the whole thing about 5 times. But as I was down to last little bit. I was almost done with it. It was almost clean. I had worked on this fridge for a week and a half, all by myself. Almost throwing up in the process many times. I get to this last little bit, and I found one more bug stuck to the red nasty crap. That was it. I couldn't do it any more. I am about to break out in tears (probably a little high from the bleach) I gag so violently that I thought I was actually going to be sick. I call Cory in the room and I can barely get the words out because I am concentrating on not vomiting and making a new mess to clean up, I say "I can't do this anymore. I can't, I am so close, and I can't do it. You have to finish it." and I leave the room. I am so angry at this point. Why on Earth would someone leave a fridge like that? Their cabinets and drawers like that? How could they LIVE like that? They were living in the house up until we signed off? How could they open their cabinets, see dead bugs and say "Rats. more dead bugs, oh well, time to make pancakes." or look in the fridge and see all the rotting food, not in containers (because I know that happens to everyone) but on the walls and shelves, and drawers and think "no big deal, there is no way I can get sick from this, so I won't clean it up."

And then I go to the bathroom. The toilet and tub were cleaned, which was a surprise after seeing the kitchen. It was actually the drawers in the bathroom that they didn't bother to clean up. I'm pretty sure that one of their kids got a tooth paste tube and squeezed it all out in the drawer and no one bothered to clean it up.

I know I sound harsh. I've tried to think of way that would defend them. Maybe they forgot about it, their lives were busy and they never got around to it. But when your moving out, packing, wouldn't you see that and think "I should clean this up for the next owners."

That was the worst of it. That was my rant. Right now, we are in the process of priming and paining the living room. We planted our veggie garden and the plants are coming up. So excited about that. We have a big yard. 1.3 acres. It's really long and skinny, and we love it. There is still a lot to do with the house, but now that the nasty stuff is over with, I'm looking forward to doing it.

Thanks for reading, sorry if I made you sick to your stomach. Stay tuned, and remember God loves you.