Thursday, May 31, 2012

Catch up PART 2

This part is telling about the wedding reception and setting up for it.

Cory and I arrived in Marshall, MN Friday around 2:30 PM. We walked into the Gym at the church (where the reception was held) and my whole family was there! (well, except James, he had to work, but he came later). I felt bad, cause I totally ditched Cory to give everyone hugs and completely forgot that he had never met my Grandma, Aunt Luann, Aunt Eloise, or Alicia. Luckily, he met everyone well enough on his own. (whoops) We were put straight to work. The room looked great already, but there was still tons to do. I had made cookie dough on Wednesday, and so for the remainder of the evening I made cookies. I made the best Chocolate Chip cookies in the world, and for the first time ever, I made Snicker doodles. They turned out great!

Alicia's reception was a beached theme, and it turned out so amazing! Her colors were white and blue and it was beautiful. We had balloons hanging from what looked like mid air, and there was a beautiful canopy the blue and white tulle. The center pieces for the tables were wine glasses filled half way with sand. The sand had shells and a flower surrounding a candle light. Around the wine glass were more shells, palm tree looking leaves and 2 more candle lights. It was so pretty!

The reception was so much fun. It had been way too long since I have danced with my siblings. I probably should have taken  it easy, my ankles are still sore from all the jumping and dancing, but I would do it again in a heart beat. Cory and I danced. This is a big deal, because my husband does not like to dance. So far, he will only dance with me at wedding receptions. This will change. :)

James and Alicia are so cute together! You can tell that by the way they look at each other and touch each other that they love each other so much! And Alicia was beautiful in her dress! Oh my goodness! She is such a cutie pie! I love her! I am so glad we are sisters!

 She had 4 cakes. They were beautiful!

 Where the Bride and Groom sat.

I wont put very many pictures of the reception until Alica or James have put them on facebook. But I these are a few pictures I took before the reception.

Well, that's it for today. I will continue this later! Stay tuned, and remember to respect others!

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