Sunday, April 15, 2012

I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday!

Today in church, we had a combined meeting 3rd hour. The Youth taught Primary and nursery so the adults could attend together the lesson that the stake wanted us to receive. It was on Temples and the blessing received from going to the temple. This is one of many things I love about my church. The work done in the temples makes it possible for ANYONE dead, or alive to receive the necessary ordinances to receive exaltation.

There are over 130 temples on the earth today. All over the world. And engraved on the temple it reads "Holiness to the Lord The House of the Lord" What an amazing blessing to have a place on Earth where we can be in the Lord's presence! It is a place to receive Heavenly guidance, peace, comfort, knowledge, and so much
I am so grateful that Cory and I were sealed in the temple. Literally the most beautiful experience I have ever seen and been apart of. Knowing that our marriage lasts for eternity is such a comfort. I can not picture my life without him, and thinking about the after life with out him is so painful. We will be married for eternity.
It is no coincidence that we were place on this earth with a family. Families have a Divine role on earth. So if it's so important on earth, don't you think it would be important in Heaven. God is our Heavenly Father. So doesn't it just make sense that we have a Heavenly Mother? Jesus is our brother. There is a hymn that we sing at church called "O My Father" the third verse reads "I had learned to call thee Father, thru thy spirit from on high, but, until the key of knowledge was restored, I knew not why. In the heavens are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal tells me I've a mother there." (text by Eliza R. Snow) It makes sense. Families were made to be eternal. We are given the opportunity to receive eternal marriage in the temples. What a blessing!
Another wonderful blessing the temple offers is helping those who have passed on before they accepted the gospel of Christ. God loves each of us. No matter what we do. And if one of His children died before accepting him, or even hearing His glorious name, He gives them a chance to accept Him. So, in the temple we do work for them by proxy. Which means we represent them. Since they can not be there physically, we represent them. They can either choose to accept or deny the work. But we want to make sure that everyone gets that chance. How amazing! The love the Heavenly Father has for us is unmeasurable.
The Kansas City, MO Temple will be dedicated on May 6. The past 2 weeks and this week the temple is having an Open house. CNN covered this and did a very nice job. this is the link.
I am so grateful for temples! I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I'm grateful that Cory and I are eternally married. That our future children will be with us for eternity as well. I love my Heavenly Father. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank you for reading. If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (The Mormons) I hope you learned something and have more respect for my faith. If you have more questions, you can go to to find answers and a church building near you. We are glad to talk about our beliefs, but not what goes on in the temple by detail. It is not secret, it is sacred. Please respect that.
Stay tuned! And remember, God loves you very much!
Picture 1- Salt Lake City Temple
Picture 2- Winter Quarters Temple (Where Cory and I got married)
Picture 3- San Diego Temple
Picture 4- Washington DC Temple
(For some reason, when I add pictures, it doesn't recognize where I started a new paragraph.....This bugs me. I'm sorry if it makes it hard to read for anyone. I am trying to figure out how to fix that. No luck so far though....)

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