When I was newly married, my dreams went from weird to weirder. I remember one dream I had shortly after I got married. It felt to real at the time, but now it just cracks me up. I think I had watched "Into the Woods" before I went to bed. I hope you find it as entertaining as I do.
Cinderella is not my Friend
I was so excited to go on this vacation with Cory. It would be our first vacation together, and my excitement could not be measured. It seemed like it took ages to get to our little shack on the beech, and to be honest, I was expecting the shack to be a little more elegant then it was. It had dirt floor, the bed (an old wiry mattress on the floor) was dusty and old and smelled of cats. And the shower was a shared shower down the road a bit. You know the showers at girls camp? You would rather not shower than shower with the nasty bugs that made it their home. How could you possibly get clean in that? But nevertheless, it was what we could afford, and it was ours for the week.
One day, Cory wanted to fish for sharks, hoping if he caught one, we could cook it up and eat it. Not wanting to fish, I went my own way. I watched people at the beech, I looked at the little shops that were set up on the beach, I sun bathed, but it was lunch time, and I was getting hungry. Cory had taken a packed lunch, so I went back to the shack to have a PBJ sandwich. After opening the door, I was surprised to see Rapunzel on our bed.
"Can I help you?" I ask, my voice pregnant with annoyance.
"Oh no, but I can help you" was her cheerful response.
"You do know that this isn't your shack right? My husband and I payed for this shack, it's ours for the week"
"Do you you know where your husband is?" she ignored my questions.
"Of course I do, now, if you don't mind, I would like to eat in peace." I opened the door to show that it was time for her to leave,
"I wont bother you. I just came to look for my friend, Cinderella. I thought she would be here." She giggled. Disney princesses can be so annoying with their over enthusiastic smiles and giggles.
"Why on earth would Cinderella be here?"
"Well, your husband has been hanging out with her all day. I though they would-"
"What? Cory is out fishing, we are going to have shark for dinner if he catches anything" I
defended. This couldn't be true.
"Little fun fact, did you know that your sweet Cory and Cinderella used to date in high school?" She said as she twirled her hair,
"No, but it doesn't matter, because he is now married to me, and I am hungry, will you please go?" My voice was starting to rise, when Cory came crashing through the door, with non-other than Cinderella.
"Hey sweetie, this is Cin-"
"Cinderella, I know, nice to meet you. Your friend has been waiting for you, Cinderella, you guys may leave now, I want to eat." Just as I finish that sentence, Cinderella giggles. What could possible be so funny about that?
"Cory invited me to eat with you, I hope you don't mind" was she winking at Cory?
"Of course he did." I glared at Cory to make a point, but he never saw it. He pulled out a chair for Cinderella, and they started chatting away. Rapunzel gave me a meaningful stare from the bed. I really wanted to punch her, and cut off all her hair. And the meal went as such: Everything Cory said, Cinderella would giggle, and Cory would light up. Everything Cinderella said was so obviously flirtatious that made me gag, but made Cory blush. I wanted to stick her in the ocean and see how she would survive the sharks. A phone rang, interrupting my fantasy of watching Cinderella die.
"Hello?" How could she be in her 20's but still sound like a five year old. Ugh, it was gross. "Oh, no! We will be there right away! Rapunzel, Ariel and Belle need our help, we need to leave now!" You have got to be kidding me. Ariel and Belle? But to my relief, they left, but not without Cinderella blowing a kiss to Cory.
"What. Was. That?" My voice was really starting to rise.
"What? I haven't seen her in forever" Came his response.
"You do realize that WE are married, and that you flirting with her is wrong, don't you?"
"I was not flirting with her! Sara, this is not a big deal. We are just friends. I think you are making this a bigger deal than it really is." Maybe I was. After all, she was the one flirting. The words coming out of his mouth weren't flirtatious. I was just jealous. He married me, not her. I win. So we go to bed (I know, it was only lunch, but that's how magical dreams are.)
The night was way too short, and the next day brought a romantic evening out with just me and Cory. I unpacked some clean clothes, and headed for the showers. The showers were NASTY!!!! There were buckets of water just in case the water stopped running, you could rinse off with the water inside. Not like I would even think about it, it looked with the water hadn't been changed in days. There were dead bugs floating at the top, there was a green slime on the bottom...not going to happen. After my shower, I turn off the water, and hear giggling. Ugh, not her again. I slide the curtain away to find my clean clothes and dirty clothes dripping wet. You have GOT to be kidding me. Cinderella standing there pulling my bra out of the bucket. Great. Now not only are my clothes wet, but they are nasty too. What am I going to do now? I reach for my towel, the only thing halfway dry, wrap it around me and step out of the shower.
"How old are you, Cinderella?" I asked, my voice full of bitterness.
"23" came the up beat response.
"Are you sure you aren't 14? Because I'm pretty sure that getting someones clean clothes soaking wet after a shower was only funny in the 8th grade. You aren't as nice as you seem in your little movie." People were stopping and laughing at me. People I knew. They were just watching this, as if it were some comedy. And Cinderella was there laughing too. I could bury myself in the sand and die. MOVE ALONG PEOPLE! Gosh! I could feel my face turn red, and Cinderella noticed.
"Awe, look, Sara's embarrassed." I had to force my hand not to punch her in the kidneys. Oh, but I wanted to so badly!
"Cinderella what did you do?" came another voice. Still high pitched, but it was stern. Belle was standing here. "Oh, Sara, I'm sorry! We told her not to do anything to you. She is just jealous. She still has feelings for Cory. Here, take my cloak, and go change into clean, dry clothes."
"No thank you, I have had my fill of Disney Princesses for a life time. I'll just go in my towel"
"Oh my gosh! It was just a joke, golly, cant you take a joke?"
"Shut up, Cinderella! Sara, there are dead bugs on the towel, dear. Please take my cloak."
"Fine, but just remember, I don't like you guys!" I grabbed the cloak, and threw my dirty, nasty towel into Cinderella's face. That was very satisfying. I stormed off to the shack. I could hear the people laughing behind me as I walked. Glad I could give them a show.
And then I woke up. I want to make a few things clear: I have no bitter feelings toward Cinderella. I still love all the Disney movies. Cory has never dated Cinderella, he hasn't even seen the movie. Notice how Belle was the nice one? That is because Belle rocks!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this. Stay tuned, and remember, God loves you!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Under the sea!
I find the ocean to be a beautiful, fascinating, terrifying place. A while back, while I was in a hotel room, waiting for Cory to get back from work, I was watching the Discovery channel. It was Shark Week. I don't know if any of you have watched Shark week, but every year they do Shark week, and all day, everyday that week they talk about sharks. Stuff they recently learned, things they guess, people who swim with sharks, stuff like that.
Before watching that show, the thing I was most scared of about the ocean, was being stuck out in the middle of it, and a storm coming. It's not so much the waves I would be scared of, although that is scary, but the lightning along with the waves. Being pulled under water by the wave, then having the lightning hit the water and the electricity spreading, and I would be drowning and being shocked to death.
But now, even though they aren't very common, I am now scared of shark attacks. Because these happen just on the beach. Usually by the Great White or Bull Sharks. Great whites mistake our shape and color by their normal f
Bull sharks are what I'm really scared of. They have the highest level of testosterone out of all other animals on Earth. Which means, they attack just to attack. Even worse, they can live in fresh water and salt water. So even rivers aren't safe. These sharks usually wont eat humans, but they will make sure not to leave them alive. They are very territorial, so if you get too close to his purple bubble, you live long to say sorry.
I am not scared of all sharks, I would love to dive with nurse sharks, and even reef sharks, with the proper armor. While watching shark week, it showed this guy who was doing a study on putting sharks "to sleep" and after nurse sharks, he dived with reef sharks. I couldn't help but think the sharks were so cute! He would pet their noses, and the shark would go upside down and just sink like it was asleep. And the sharks were all trying to get pet all at the same time. They would nudge the other sharks out of the way so they could get their noses scratched. They were like little puppies with really sharp teeth.
So after shark week, I thought that the sharks were the only thing I really needed to worry about when it came to the ocean, other than drowning. But then I watch the show "Natures Deadliest". (I really should stop watching shows that make me not want to step out of my room) In this show they showed the most deadliest animals/incests on earth. And there were a lot more ways to die in the ocean, then just sharks and drowning. I know a lot of you are reading this, think that I'm stupid by not knowing this before, but I never gave it much thought. Anyway, in the show, along with the sharks, there was this Jelly fish that after being stung, it kills in 2 minutes. If any of you have seen the movie 7 pounds with Will Smith, The Jelly fish he has, that is what I'm talking about. You can live, but you need someone doing CPR to you until the poison runs it's course, and that could take up to 10 minutes, and even if you live, you will be in intense pain for weeks after. So crazy, something that doesn't even have a brain can kill you in 2 minutes.
Another Jelly fish, found mostly near Africa is no bigger than the tip of your pinky, that includes the tentacles. When this little guys stings you, you cant even feel it, so the 2 minutes before you are in real danger, you don't use wisely, because you have no idea you have been stung. The jelly fish paralyzes you, and while you are in the ocean, that is not good. You have no time to call for help, and there is no cure. Even doing CPR does no good. Something so tiny, but so deadly.
On the beaches in Brazil is a snail that hides in a beautiful, bright orange and white shell. When found, people usually give them as gifts to their loved ones, not realizing that the thing living in the shell kills, and there is no cure. Like the tiny jelly fish, the snail paralyses you. It has a stinger like a bee, pokes you, and there is no warning. Immediately, you are paralysed. And there is nothing anyone can do. you lay there until the poison goes to your heart and kills you.
Have you heard of the stone fish? this evil thing looks and feels like a stone, but if you step on it, it pokes you with their fin, and you have 10 hours of excruciating pain. Now I don't really know if they are deadly, I've heard that they are, but I also he
But other than those deadly things, the Ocean is so beautiful! So colorful, so big! I find it fascinating that we know more about the moon than we do about the ocean. And how fast it changes. I'm just at awe when I think of it. How many creatures live in the ocean that we don't even know about, how amazing! I'm so torn with my fear of the ocean, and my want to be in it, to explore it. What an amazing world our Heavenly Father created!
Sorry if I freaked you out, or surfaced fears you have never had.....But just the same, thanks for reading. Stay tuned, and remember, choose the right!
Friday, January 6, 2012
The Demon in my Chem class
So I have these CRAZY dreams, and I have been told that I should write them down to entertain people. So, here is the dream I dreamt the other night. Buckle up.
I will start by asking, do you have high school dreams? Ones where you cant remember your locker combo, or you forget your classes, or you are always running late? I have those all. The. Time. I really have no idea why I have those dreams. I am very content with my life, and I really do NOT want to go back to high school. So without further ado, my dream:
The Demon in my Chem class.
My dream started out like any other normal high school dream. I'm running late. My mom is dropping me and my little brother, Daniel, off. We are about 30 minutes late for school when I can't remember what class to go to, or where any of the classes are. I finally wonder my way to class, just to get detention. Great. Thinking this dream is real, I start freaking out: my first detention, I don't know how to survive detention. The day goes by in a blur, but then, the dreaded hour comes... detention. I guess I was going to some hard core boot camp school, because detention was in the gym. We had to climb rope, lift weights, run, run, sit-ups, run, push-ups, and run some more. As I am entering the gym, I see this guy that I have never seen before. I learn his name is Nephi, and that he is a new student. Poor bloke got detention on his first day. So we are running together, talking about where he had moved from, and how different it is here, when we hear a commotion.
(For those of you who don't know what my gym looks like in my dreams, I will tell you. The running track is off to the side of the courts, and the rope for climbing is in the middle of the court.)
Nephi and I look over and see all these teacher tackling a student. A young girl with frizzy hair, and bright green eyes. She seemed rather strong for her size, I admire that. But it is time for climbing the rope, so I push the frizzy haired girl out of my head. Nephi and I are climbing the rope, when again, we hear a commotion, a scream, to be exact. We look to who is screaming and the teacher is pointing to the wall. Our eyes follow. The frizzy haired girl is climbing the wall, like spider man. She notices that we are looking at her, and she gives us the very slobbery grin. Saliva drips from her mouth and hits the ground below and sizzles and makes a small hole in the gym floor. HER SPIT IS VENOMOUS! How are you even supposed to react to that? Frizzy haired girl can climb walls, and oh yeah, SHE'S POISONOUS!
Needless to say, Nephi and I get the heck out of there, fast. Because of the "uncommon" situation, they let us leave early, but with every detention, each student writes a report, stating what happened in said detention. So, naturally, we write about demon frizzy haired girl.
Over the weekend, I try to forget what happened in detention. It's just my luck that there would be a demon in detention with me. When Sunday rolled around I was pretty much running to church. I knew Nephi would be LDS, I mean, his name is Nephi. He had to be there, we would talk out a plan. "About what happened in detention, with the girl climbing on the.........wall....." Once I said aloud what had happened, it seemed so silly. A girl who can climb walls and spit venom? Yeah right. We were probably just exhausted from working out. Nephi gives me a look, telling me to stop talking. He's right, I sound like a crazy person. But we would find out tomorrow at school.
Crossing my fingers and praying that Friday was not real, I walk into my first block class, Chemistry. Nephi is already there with his head on his desk. I walk over to sit by him when I hear a sizzling sound, my head jerks around to see frizzy haired girl spitting on the light switch, causing it to melt away. Am I the only one seeing this? Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? I give Nephi a startled look and the look he gives back lets me know I am not alone in what I see. But looking around the room you would think it is normal to spit venom on a light switch. No one gives frizzy haired girl a second look. The smell coming from the venom is rank, and I try not to vomit as the teacher walks in.
"Do you smell that?" I whisper to Nephi
"Don't make me talk, I think I might puke" is his shaky response
"Are we the only ones who see this? Why is everyone acting so normal? What is she?" I say while frizzy haired girl starts drooling over her pencils, causing them to bubble and melt away.
"Sara please, stop talking about it, my stomach can't handle it" He gags
"But she is melting -"
"Sara" he groans
"Sorry, it's just so..... I'm sorry!"
"Welcome to another week of school," Mr. Bones sighs "Let's make sure everyone is here, Amanda?..." He continues to read down the roll when he reads the name I will never forget. "Clyda?"
"Here" So, the thing had a name. Clearly someone would have heard her gargley voice. But no response. What has happened to the world? Does no one fear creepy things anymore? I look at Nephi, her voice was enough to make him loose it. He starts heaving violently.
"Nephi, are you alright? Go down to the nurse before you get us all sick"
"I'll take him" I volunteer. Naturally people would be afraid of catching the flu then being killed by some melting spit.
"I think I'm fine now, I just had to get away from that smell" Said Nephi, weakly
"Play it up, we need to get out of here, now. There is no way I am going to go to a school with a demon in my class" After I get Nephi in the car, I suddenly remember, I'm married! I have a husband that can help! So I drop Nephi off at his home, in hopes that he can convince his parents to leave the state, and I drive to my in-laws house, to talk to my husband. After arriving, and saying our hello's, I start telling them of Clyda, the frizzy haired demon in my chem class. We decide it is time to build a couple of huge rafts and pack up our food and clothes. Cory, his brothers, my brothers, and our dad's build a couple of rafts for our families, while all of us girls are making food. Once everything is ready, we load up, just in time for Missouri to break off into the ocean (I know Missouri is no where near the ocean, but this is a dream, anything can happen.) and we sail. Because of the awesomeness of the rafts, we were able to build a fire on the rafts and cook meat. We sailed around mountains while the guys take the pine trees to add to our fire, or fix the raft when needed.
We land in Utah. But it was more like Africa. After searching and searching for weeks, hiding in the forests,we find a deserted home to live in. Our neighbors must not know that we have moved in, if they find out, they would most likely kill us. They would know we had food storage, and they would want it for themselves.
And then, Cory wakes me up for breakfast.
So there you have it. One of my many strange and random dreams. Stay tuned and remember "God made you special, and He loves you very much!" -veggie tales
I will start by asking, do you have high school dreams? Ones where you cant remember your locker combo, or you forget your classes, or you are always running late? I have those all. The. Time. I really have no idea why I have those dreams. I am very content with my life, and I really do NOT want to go back to high school. So without further ado, my dream:
The Demon in my Chem class.
My dream started out like any other normal high school dream. I'm running late. My mom is dropping me and my little brother, Daniel, off. We are about 30 minutes late for school when I can't remember what class to go to, or where any of the classes are. I finally wonder my way to class, just to get detention. Great. Thinking this dream is real, I start freaking out: my first detention, I don't know how to survive detention. The day goes by in a blur, but then, the dreaded hour comes... detention. I guess I was going to some hard core boot camp school, because detention was in the gym. We had to climb rope, lift weights, run, run, sit-ups, run, push-ups, and run some more. As I am entering the gym, I see this guy that I have never seen before. I learn his name is Nephi, and that he is a new student. Poor bloke got detention on his first day. So we are running together, talking about where he had moved from, and how different it is here, when we hear a commotion.
(For those of you who don't know what my gym looks like in my dreams, I will tell you. The running track is off to the side of the courts, and the rope for climbing is in the middle of the court.)
Nephi and I look over and see all these teacher tackling a student. A young girl with frizzy hair, and bright green eyes. She seemed rather strong for her size, I admire that. But it is time for climbing the rope, so I push the frizzy haired girl out of my head. Nephi and I are climbing the rope, when again, we hear a commotion, a scream, to be exact. We look to who is screaming and the teacher is pointing to the wall. Our eyes follow. The frizzy haired girl is climbing the wall, like spider man. She notices that we are looking at her, and she gives us the very slobbery grin. Saliva drips from her mouth and hits the ground below and sizzles and makes a small hole in the gym floor. HER SPIT IS VENOMOUS! How are you even supposed to react to that? Frizzy haired girl can climb walls, and oh yeah, SHE'S POISONOUS!
Needless to say, Nephi and I get the heck out of there, fast. Because of the "uncommon" situation, they let us leave early, but with every detention, each student writes a report, stating what happened in said detention. So, naturally, we write about demon frizzy haired girl.
Over the weekend, I try to forget what happened in detention. It's just my luck that there would be a demon in detention with me. When Sunday rolled around I was pretty much running to church. I knew Nephi would be LDS, I mean, his name is Nephi. He had to be there, we would talk out a plan. "About what happened in detention, with the girl climbing on the.........wall....." Once I said aloud what had happened, it seemed so silly. A girl who can climb walls and spit venom? Yeah right. We were probably just exhausted from working out. Nephi gives me a look, telling me to stop talking. He's right, I sound like a crazy person. But we would find out tomorrow at school.
Crossing my fingers and praying that Friday was not real, I walk into my first block class, Chemistry. Nephi is already there with his head on his desk. I walk over to sit by him when I hear a sizzling sound, my head jerks around to see frizzy haired girl spitting on the light switch, causing it to melt away. Am I the only one seeing this? Why isn't anyone doing anything about this? I give Nephi a startled look and the look he gives back lets me know I am not alone in what I see. But looking around the room you would think it is normal to spit venom on a light switch. No one gives frizzy haired girl a second look. The smell coming from the venom is rank, and I try not to vomit as the teacher walks in.
"Do you smell that?" I whisper to Nephi
"Don't make me talk, I think I might puke" is his shaky response
"Are we the only ones who see this? Why is everyone acting so normal? What is she?" I say while frizzy haired girl starts drooling over her pencils, causing them to bubble and melt away.
"Sara please, stop talking about it, my stomach can't handle it" He gags
"But she is melting -"
"Sara" he groans
"Sorry, it's just so..... I'm sorry!"
"Welcome to another week of school," Mr. Bones sighs "Let's make sure everyone is here, Amanda?..." He continues to read down the roll when he reads the name I will never forget. "Clyda?"
"Here" So, the thing had a name. Clearly someone would have heard her gargley voice. But no response. What has happened to the world? Does no one fear creepy things anymore? I look at Nephi, her voice was enough to make him loose it. He starts heaving violently.
"Nephi, are you alright? Go down to the nurse before you get us all sick"
"I'll take him" I volunteer. Naturally people would be afraid of catching the flu then being killed by some melting spit.
"I think I'm fine now, I just had to get away from that smell" Said Nephi, weakly
"Play it up, we need to get out of here, now. There is no way I am going to go to a school with a demon in my class" After I get Nephi in the car, I suddenly remember, I'm married! I have a husband that can help! So I drop Nephi off at his home, in hopes that he can convince his parents to leave the state, and I drive to my in-laws house, to talk to my husband. After arriving, and saying our hello's, I start telling them of Clyda, the frizzy haired demon in my chem class. We decide it is time to build a couple of huge rafts and pack up our food and clothes. Cory, his brothers, my brothers, and our dad's build a couple of rafts for our families, while all of us girls are making food. Once everything is ready, we load up, just in time for Missouri to break off into the ocean (I know Missouri is no where near the ocean, but this is a dream, anything can happen.) and we sail. Because of the awesomeness of the rafts, we were able to build a fire on the rafts and cook meat. We sailed around mountains while the guys take the pine trees to add to our fire, or fix the raft when needed.
We land in Utah. But it was more like Africa. After searching and searching for weeks, hiding in the forests,we find a deserted home to live in. Our neighbors must not know that we have moved in, if they find out, they would most likely kill us. They would know we had food storage, and they would want it for themselves.
And then, Cory wakes me up for breakfast.
So there you have it. One of my many strange and random dreams. Stay tuned and remember "God made you special, and He loves you very much!" -veggie tales
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Let's hope this works out.
I hope that I can remember to write in this blog. I guess I should start out by saying "hello!" As, you know, my name is Sara (Hale) Compton, I am married to a wonderful man name Cory. We met on July 3, 2009 while at a YSA (young single adults) slip n' slide party. It was pretty much love at first sight, or at least admire at first sight. We started dating a week after we met, I met his family, his entire family, two weeks after that (that day is a story in of itself) and a week after that, I told him I loved him. We got engaged on October 8, 09 and got married on December 18, 2009. So this last December marked our two year anniversary, and we are more in love today than when we got married. And for those who know my birthday, yes I got married the day before my birthday, and no, I am not afraid of Cory mixing my birthday, anniversary and Christmas into one occasion. I made him promise not to do such a thing.
Ok, enough of the cheese, and more about who I am. :) I love music, it is a part of my daily life. I find it so amazing that music affects our moods, and make our emotions more intense. I love art. I am currently trying to be more artistic. I am teaching myself how to draw, and when I get a home, I want to start painting. I love photography, I'm not very good yet, but Cory gave me a new camera for my birthday, so I will be practicing. I love reading, but the books that I read have to have dialogue for me to get interested, if it doest have dialogue, I need to hear it. I am an aweful speller, so sorry if I missspell things....
Things that drive me nuts: noisy eaters (smacking, moaning, biting the utensil, scraping the utensil against a glass or metal dish, talking with the mouth full, chewing with the mouth open) Pretty much all my pet peeves involve eating.
I am a huge nerd! I can talk for hours about Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, (sadly I havent read the books yet though....not a lot of dialogue, I will need the audio book) and XBOX 360 games, especially the Elder Scrolls games. I loved Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. And I am currently playing Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, which is pretty much the coolest game ever. My problem with these games is: I am the biggest chicken known to man. In these games, you save the world from bad guys by fighting them. I can't do that. When a bad guy/animal, or really anything that threatens my life, comes on the screen, I freak out. My adrenaline starts pumping, and my fingers forget how to work, and my character on the screen ends up running in circles, waving her sword around as if trying to swat a bee in the air. Meanwhile, I am holding on to the controller for dear life and whimpering, like it's me who is dying. Needless to say, Cory does the fighting, and I do the "boring" stuff, like exploring, talking to people, getting the quests in the jounal. I'm the same way in old games, like the N64's Zelda. Those little skeletons that come up at night make me go crazy, I forget how to function.
As I mentioned before, we are currently homeless. Cory's job is trying to find a permanent location for him to work. Meenwhile, we have been living in various hotels. There are many, many stories that come with that. I will be sharing an interesting hotel story every so often with my posts. Today though, as I am typing this, there is a little mouse running around the room. Cory and I saw it last night, but it just came out for a small moment and scurried back to it's hiding place. But today, he is more active. While I was combing my hair, I felt a little scratch on my ankle, but I didnt think anything of it. Then I felt it again, only more aggressive, I looked down and the little guy was trying to climb up my leg. It scared me so I screamed, and the poor little thing got so frightened it ran away, trying to figure out which way to go, tumbling and falling in the process. Now that it is quiet, except my typing, it is coming out more often and running around. He doesnt bother me too much. I named him Reginald. For those of you who are completely grossed out by the fact that I am O.K. with the fact that there is a mouse running in our room, don't worry, I told the front desk, and they are taking care of the matter. There is nothing on the floor that little Reginald can hurt, so I dont mind him wondering. I imagine Reginald is a currious mouse, his mother trying to teach him not to go near humans, and to stay in the wall. But Reginald has ADD, and can't stay in one place for very long, he just wants to explore his little world. He doesnt understand why he has to stay in the wall, when there is a whole hotel to explore. He doesn't realize that this hotel is the human's domain. Coming out of the wall was exiting his safe, warm home, and coming into an unforgiving territory, where humans fear and hate mice. Reginald doesnt know that the human he saw today, told other humans, who called other humans, who will get rid of him and his family for good.
Anywho, enough writing for today. Have a great day, and remember, God loves you! Stay tuned.
Ok, enough of the cheese, and more about who I am. :) I love music, it is a part of my daily life. I find it so amazing that music affects our moods, and make our emotions more intense. I love art. I am currently trying to be more artistic. I am teaching myself how to draw, and when I get a home, I want to start painting. I love photography, I'm not very good yet, but Cory gave me a new camera for my birthday, so I will be practicing. I love reading, but the books that I read have to have dialogue for me to get interested, if it doest have dialogue, I need to hear it. I am an aweful speller, so sorry if I missspell things....
Things that drive me nuts: noisy eaters (smacking, moaning, biting the utensil, scraping the utensil against a glass or metal dish, talking with the mouth full, chewing with the mouth open) Pretty much all my pet peeves involve eating.
I am a huge nerd! I can talk for hours about Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, (sadly I havent read the books yet though....not a lot of dialogue, I will need the audio book) and XBOX 360 games, especially the Elder Scrolls games. I loved Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. And I am currently playing Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, which is pretty much the coolest game ever. My problem with these games is: I am the biggest chicken known to man. In these games, you save the world from bad guys by fighting them. I can't do that. When a bad guy/animal, or really anything that threatens my life, comes on the screen, I freak out. My adrenaline starts pumping, and my fingers forget how to work, and my character on the screen ends up running in circles, waving her sword around as if trying to swat a bee in the air. Meanwhile, I am holding on to the controller for dear life and whimpering, like it's me who is dying. Needless to say, Cory does the fighting, and I do the "boring" stuff, like exploring, talking to people, getting the quests in the jounal. I'm the same way in old games, like the N64's Zelda. Those little skeletons that come up at night make me go crazy, I forget how to function.
As I mentioned before, we are currently homeless. Cory's job is trying to find a permanent location for him to work. Meenwhile, we have been living in various hotels. There are many, many stories that come with that. I will be sharing an interesting hotel story every so often with my posts. Today though, as I am typing this, there is a little mouse running around the room. Cory and I saw it last night, but it just came out for a small moment and scurried back to it's hiding place. But today, he is more active. While I was combing my hair, I felt a little scratch on my ankle, but I didnt think anything of it. Then I felt it again, only more aggressive, I looked down and the little guy was trying to climb up my leg. It scared me so I screamed, and the poor little thing got so frightened it ran away, trying to figure out which way to go, tumbling and falling in the process. Now that it is quiet, except my typing, it is coming out more often and running around. He doesnt bother me too much. I named him Reginald. For those of you who are completely grossed out by the fact that I am O.K. with the fact that there is a mouse running in our room, don't worry, I told the front desk, and they are taking care of the matter. There is nothing on the floor that little Reginald can hurt, so I dont mind him wondering. I imagine Reginald is a currious mouse, his mother trying to teach him not to go near humans, and to stay in the wall. But Reginald has ADD, and can't stay in one place for very long, he just wants to explore his little world. He doesnt understand why he has to stay in the wall, when there is a whole hotel to explore. He doesn't realize that this hotel is the human's domain. Coming out of the wall was exiting his safe, warm home, and coming into an unforgiving territory, where humans fear and hate mice. Reginald doesnt know that the human he saw today, told other humans, who called other humans, who will get rid of him and his family for good.
Anywho, enough writing for today. Have a great day, and remember, God loves you! Stay tuned.
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