Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So, remember my new years goal about getting better at making dinners? Well, I made my very first turkey. I was nervous about making a turkey, because I was pretty sure that my first turkey would be really dry. With these worries, I looked up about 10 different ways to make juicy turkey. Luckily, I picked the right way. I brined the turkey for a day in salt water. Buttered it, and put that sucker in the oven. It came out perfect.

I am so proud of myself. I really thought this was going to be a train wreck. What is better then turkey sandwiches? I made fresh mash potatoes, and Cory made the gravy. Mmmmm. I also made Green bean casserole as well. Easy, but I did it. Man, I am the best wife haha.

In addition to the turkey, I made steak. I've been wanting to try this for a while. One day, I wanted to go out to eat with Cory, but he didn't want to. We compromised that we would buy steak and I would make it. Let's just say, it was perfectly done. Medium Rare to perfection. Let's just say this will be happening again. :) Pretty huh? I heated the skillet up, added olive oil, then put the steak on for about 4 minutes, then flipped and cooked the other side for about 3 minutes. YOU ONLY FLIP ONCE!!! When checking to see if it's cooked enough, the best way is to feel the steak, if you can't tell, then you puncture the steak. The problem with that, is if it's not done, and you want to cook it longer, juices leave the steak, and it becomes dry. Good luck. Let me know of ways you prepare your steak.

This is all. Hope you enjoyed! Stay tuned! Remember, you are a child of God!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy New Years!

OK, so I'm a little late, but that seems to be how I am. What did I do for New Years? I spent it with some friends up in Joplin area. We went to see Les Mis, and then spent the rest of the evening talking or watching Downton Abbey. It was very relaxing and enjoyable.

2013 is going to be amazing! These are my goals for this year:

  • Get into shape.   I know I share this with everyone else in the world, but I'm hoping that I will be one of the few that succeeds. 
  • Become better at making dinner. I'm very good at making desserts, but with my goal above, I should get better at making good, healthy dinners.
  • Earn enough "fun money" for another trip to Florida.
  • Buy a house. This apartment is getting a little too small. Plus, I would love the spend the money on something that will be mine. Not just on rent. 
  • Have Cory and I finish the Book of Mormon together. This is not our strong suit. But we are working on it.
  • Visit the temple more than last year.
 I'll leave it there. Better not make me too overwhelmed. I'm excited for this year. It should be an amazing year! Wish me luck on my list, and I will do the same for you. :)

Have a great day, Stay tuned, and remember that you are loved!!!